Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rest Your Stress Talk

Hi everyone again! On Racial Harmony Day (21st July), we had a talk about stress management right? Do you all like it? Okay I know the answer is no but it’s actually helpful so let’s revise the tips! :-)

Stress Management Tips:
  1. Jogging, walking, swimming, cyling, stretching
  2. Get your muscles to relax – palm your eyes and warm your face
  3. Clear your room, desk, wardrobe
  4. Indulge in your own interest (sun and sea)
  5. Watch a humorous movie
  6. Breathing and relaxation exercise
Priority Management Tips

  1. Use I-U Matrix to prioritise tasks
  2. Divide large tasks into smaller tasks
  3. Eat the frog first – do the most difficult task at the most productive time of the day (
Overcome Procrastination

  1. Overcome lack of confidence through review and practices
  2. Overcome overwhelmness by dividing tasks into manageable size
  3. Overcome lack of motivation by resetting goal and purpose
  4. Play first or later is a choice – choose the one that is safer
Accept Changes in Life, manage your own expectation

  1. Some things are not in your control, so don’t expect to change them
  2. Adjust and make more realistic expectations
Talk it out with someone – family, friends, CP, Counselors
  1. Don’t keep to yourselves, find support when needed, we are not superman or wonder woman
Last but not least, you cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude towards it! :-)

So take things easy~ Jiayou jiayou everyone! :-)

by Verbena Ong (C301)


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