Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rest Your Stress Talk

Hi everyone again! On Racial Harmony Day (21st July), we had a talk about stress management right? Do you all like it? Okay I know the answer is no but it’s actually helpful so let’s revise the tips! :-)

Stress Management Tips:
  1. Jogging, walking, swimming, cyling, stretching
  2. Get your muscles to relax – palm your eyes and warm your face
  3. Clear your room, desk, wardrobe
  4. Indulge in your own interest (sun and sea)
  5. Watch a humorous movie
  6. Breathing and relaxation exercise
Priority Management Tips

  1. Use I-U Matrix to prioritise tasks
  2. Divide large tasks into smaller tasks
  3. Eat the frog first – do the most difficult task at the most productive time of the day (
Overcome Procrastination

  1. Overcome lack of confidence through review and practices
  2. Overcome overwhelmness by dividing tasks into manageable size
  3. Overcome lack of motivation by resetting goal and purpose
  4. Play first or later is a choice – choose the one that is safer
Accept Changes in Life, manage your own expectation

  1. Some things are not in your control, so don’t expect to change them
  2. Adjust and make more realistic expectations
Talk it out with someone – family, friends, CP, Counselors
  1. Don’t keep to yourselves, find support when needed, we are not superman or wonder woman
Last but not least, you cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude towards it! :-)

So take things easy~ Jiayou jiayou everyone! :-)

by Verbena Ong (C301)

BOG Lecture

Hi Hi, everyone again!!:) Remember the BOG lecture on Tuesday and the four points?

The Speaker is Mr Alex Siow, the first CIO in Singapore. He’s a very candid speaker. He shared about his life etc. He also shared about 4 points.So now, let’s see the pictures!

Leading, Governing, Investing and Managing!

Anyway we were the only freshman invited to the lecture as we are the first batch so we do not have anyone in the director’s list. So let’s take the chance to relate it DFS!

Lead by creating a vision of everyone graduating together!

Govern by establishing the foundation and structure for the next batch and the future batches of DFS!

Invest by shaping the DFS portfolio!

Manage by managing DFS! (Sorry for the managing part because I didn’t managed to write down the part whereby Mr Siow was talking about it as he moved on to the next slide already.

Last but not least, there’s one sentence which Mr Siow said that was unforgettable. He said that the way to have good social interpersonal skills is to give and take. You cannot just keep giving and don’t take and you also cannot just keep taking and don’t give. This is very true, isn’t it?

The girls in C301!
Photos taken with Ms Mak!
Okay, that's all for the BOG lecture! :-)
Jiayou everyone! :-)

by Verbena Ong (C301)

DFS Seminar

Hi everyone! Sorry for the late update on the DFS Seminar!

There were in total four speakers for the DFS Seminar. There were guests from Singapore Police Force, Interpol as well as our very own TP graduate Hamzah who was an intern in Interpol.

Our speakers from SPF and Interpol talked about the rising cyber crimes in the world such that the demand for cyber defenders is getting higher.

A question about how to differentiate the higher and lower standards of criminals was asked. The answer from the SPF Superintendent was that those criminals who are caught thought that they could get away but actually they always left traces that could incriminate them and for those really higher standards criminals, they were never caught so their existence may not even be known. Therefore, it’s up to us to catch those higher standard criminals!

I don’t expect the world to be free of crimes but I believe that it could be done somehow! :-)

Anyway the best part of the DFS Seminar was towards the end of the seminar and after the seminar.

After the Seminar, we, the event helpers from C300 & C301, talked to Mr David and the whole conversation was GREAT! :-) It started by Mr David telling us how he managed to crack the code that I posted on face book and then he continued to tell us about the ways to decode a code.

Like example, RXNNBN, who knows what is that? If I tell you it’s NOT a country, then do you know what is it? Give you all a hint: Use frequency distribution! For eg, ‘E’ is the most common alphabet in a word.

Then Hamzah, the person who went for the internship in Interpol, came and talked to us and Mr David also. And do you all know that the only department in Interpol that does investigation is Financial and High-tech Crimes? Interpol doesn’t do investigation but they have one and only department in Interpol that does investigation! So cool right?

We talked for almost an hour. It was really a great conversation though I was the only girl left :-)

Here are some photos that we took!

The event helpers from C301!
Anyway that’s all for the DFS Seminar!

Jiayou everyone! :-)


by Verbena Ong (C301)