Sunday, March 9, 2014

ACE Certification Workshop 2014

On the 28th February 2014 and 3rd March 2014, we had the ACE Certification Workshop taught by the DFS seniors who have taken the ACE Certification. 23 people passed the test on 28th February and 12 people passed on 3rd March. However, there are a total of 56 people from DFS who are ACE Certified of which 23 are seniors and 33 are juniors. Congratulations to all of them.

ACE Certification is actually a free certification which is to be taken online. It is a 90 minutes test of 40 MCQ questions. However, the test have both theory and practical questions. The practical questions will make use of FTK, FTK Imager, Registry Viewer and PRTK to analyse a given image. However, other than FTK Imager, the other three tools need license and TP has the license. Hence, if anyone wants to take the certification, please let those people who are certified know or wait for the next workshop planned by the juniors who are certified.

Lastly, we would like to thank some people. First of all, we would like to thank Gerald who created a VM with all the tools installed for the ACE Certification. There were also a set of notes given to the students which was done by the first batch of seniors who took the ACE certification so thanks to all of them namely Cherri Chew, Crystal Tan, Jerlyn Peh, Kiki Yuen, Verbena Ong, Gerald Quek, Jordan Chong, Khairul Anwar and Tan Zhen Yong. We would also like to thank Derek, Charmine and Mr Lim for setting up the laptops for the instructors. Not to forget Ms Lock and Mr Seah for helping us to open the doors to SITSA Lab. Thanks to them or we would be stuck outside the lab. Last but not least, we would like to thank all the helpers for helping out in this workshop namely Charmine Kee, Siti Nur’ Aliah, Ashari Adnan, Derek Chan, Gerald Quek, Tan Zhen Yong and Verbena Ong and also thanks to all the students who attended the workshop during the holidays! Thanks everyone! 

Happy Holidays! :D

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